Help yourself to a Slice of Swedish Hospitality

The little blond two-year-old boy with an angelic face lifts his little arms up to me, motioning for a hug. We’ve only met a couple of hours ago, but in the short time I’ve managed to secure more high fives than normal and gotten those adorable little kid giggles to come from him. A smileContinue reading “Help yourself to a Slice of Swedish Hospitality”

Getting naked in Sweden

// // <![CDATA[ (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); // ]]> My name is D and I used to be, as one friend put it, “a big, girlie prude.” Never would I think of even taking off my shirt in a public, or semi-public place. In fact, when I first stopped at the baths in Budapest,Continue reading “Getting naked in Sweden”

Daily Wanderlust: A view from the Baltic Sea

 There is no shortage of breathtaking vantage points in Sweden. On my last full day in the magnificent country, I headed back to the water on foot (as opposed to stand-up paddle boarding). The crisp spring air, the cloudless sky and the Baltic Sea — which transformed from aquamarine to a deep royal blue —Continue reading “Daily Wanderlust: A view from the Baltic Sea”

Daily Wanderlust: A gray morning in Klädesholmen, Sweden

Klädesholmen,Sweden is home not only to the Salt & Sill hotel, Sweden’s first floating hotel, but also breathtaking scenery. This tiny town, which had a mere 325 residents in 2010, was particularly empty the day I wandered through. Even though it was May, the winter held its grip on this town longer than normal, resultingContinue reading “Daily Wanderlust: A gray morning in Klädesholmen, Sweden”

Escape of the Week: Salt & Sill, Sweden’s first floating hotel

You can see it from the bridge over to Klädesholmen, the dark brown Salt & Sill hotel. Floating. On large pontoons. Without a doubt, it is one of the most unique hotels I have ever visited. Anywhere. I drag my suitcase behind me as I walk into Salt & Sill’s reception, which gives way to theContinue reading “Escape of the Week: Salt & Sill, Sweden’s first floating hotel”

Daily Wanderlust: Mölle, Sweden

Mölle, Sweden is an historic seaside town built on scandal. Well, scandal as defined by the 1900s when men and women started swimming together. Today, the beautiful Baltic Sea destination is known for its stunning scenery, fishing, water activities (diving, porpoise spotting, boating and more) and the nearby Kullaberg Nature Reserve. Located on the KullaContinue reading “Daily Wanderlust: Mölle, Sweden”

Daily Wanderlust: Helsingborg, Sweden

One of the oldest cities in Sweden (the first settlement can be traced back to 1085), Helsingborg is both charming and incredibly scenic. It’s the closest point in the country to Denmark. In fact, a quick ferry ride across the water lands passengers in Helsingor, Denmark and Hamlet’s castle. On a sunny day, you canContinue reading “Daily Wanderlust: Helsingborg, Sweden”

Daily Wanderlust: Lysekil, Sweden

Summertime in Sweden means a few things: gorgeous weather, the desire to be outside enjoying said weather, and a sun that never seems to set. At 4 a.m., the first rays of sun creep through the window (which curtain I never did draw closed). By 6 a.m., thanks to the nine hour time difference, IContinue reading “Daily Wanderlust: Lysekil, Sweden”

Driving in Sweden

I roll the keys to the Volvo over and over in my hand, laughing nervously as the Hertz customer service agent explains the car to me. I haven’t drive in Europe since Romania. And that … that was just awful steering wheel death grips and praying for survival. I’ve been traveling for nearly 24 hoursContinue reading “Driving in Sweden”

Escape of the Week: Sculptures at Pilane

The island of Tjörn, located in Western Sweden, is home to enchanting fishing villages that attract flocks of tourists each summer, thanks to the warm temperatures and vast expanses of sea to drop a boat into and set off into the late sunset. In keeping with the outdoor exploration encouraged in this region, Sculpture atContinue reading “Escape of the Week: Sculptures at Pilane”